Maison Mavi GmbH 

Amthausgasse 3 

3011 Bern 



Contact information: 


Phone: +41 31 525 25 25 


Trade register entry: 

Registered in the Commercial Register of the Canton of Berne

Company identification number (IDE): CH-


Responsible for content according to § 18 MStV : 

Maison Mavi GmbH 

Amthausgasse 3 

3011 Bern 



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Despite careful control of content, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of these sites are solely responsible for their content.

Right of appeal: 

The content and works created by the operators of these pages are subject to Swiss copyright law. Third-party contributions are identified as such. Reproduction, processing, distribution and any form of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the author or creator concerned.